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支招小作文(168) I 混合数据图 澳洲游客数量变化

December 14, 2023

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 12/ 9] The chart and graph below show the number of tourists from three countries to Australia and two kinds of tourists between 1995 and 2005



The bar chart reveals how many tourists from UK, US and Japan visited Australia from 1995 to 2005, and the line graph compares two ways of spending holiday among tourists in the same period.


It is clear thatmore Japanese tourists chose to visit Australia in the initial year,butAustralia was more appealing to visitors from UK and USA in 2005.Also, compared with backpackers, more people decided to stay at a resort throughout the given period.


- 柱状图:第一年Japan游客最多,第二年UK和US的游客数量更多

- 线图:蓝色>橙色

【Body 1】

Looking at the bar chart in more detail, we can see that although140000 Japanese people traveled to Australia in the beginning year,this figuresaw a slight decline by40000 in the year 2005.By contrast, an opposite patterncould be found in the number of tourists from the other two countries.Originally, the number of travelers from USwas the smallest(only 60000),in contrast tothe figure for British visitors(80000).The subsequent decade witnessed a surge inthese two figures to 140000, an increase of 6000 and 8000 respectively.


- Japan:1995年最高→1995年小幅度下降

- US和UK:相反趋势

- 1995年:US最低(60000),UK游客数量为8000

- 2005年:两者都剧增到140000,分别上涨了6000和8000

【Body 2】

From the line graph, it is noticeable thatstaying at hotel was an ideal way of spending vocation among roughly 130000 of the surveyed tourists in 1995.In the subsequent 5 years,a remarkable climbto the peak at 180000could be foundin this figure,before falling constantly by40000 in the final year.However, there were only 40000 backpackers in the original year.Afterwards, this figuredtripleduntil 2005.


- 蓝色:1995年有130000人→随后5年,显著上升到峰值→随后持续下降

- 橙色:第一年只有40000→随后上涨了三倍

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