January 11, 2024
雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明
[2024/ 1/ 6] The table below shows the annual milk production in four countries in 1990, 2000, and 2010.
方法1:按照 国家 分段【本篇文章采用此种分段方法】
- Body 1:Netherlands(始终最高) + Guatemala(始终最低)
- Body 2:Australia + Tanzania(这两个国家的牛奶产量 趋势相似)
The table compares the annual production of milk in Netherlands, Australia, Tanzania and Guatemala in 1990, 2000 and 2010.
In general, the quantity of milk produced in all the four countries experienced an upward trend.Also, Netherlandswas the largest producer of milkthroughout the given period.
- 四个国家的牛奶产量整体都呈上升趋势
- Netherlands牛奶产量始终最高(**语言点提示:生活化描述)
【Body 1】
Looking at the information in more detail, we can see thatthe annual production of milk in Netherlandsremained the largestthroughout the period.Itsfiguresaw a modest dropfrom 11,226,000 liters in 1990 to 11,155,000 liters in 2000, before rising remarkably tothe highest point at 11,626,000 liters in the final year.By contrast,Guatemala wasthe smallest producerof milk. Only 211,000 liters of milk was produced in this country,butthis figure more than doubled to 466,000 liters in 2010.
- Netherlands:牛奶产量始终最高(小幅度下降→显著上升)
- 对比而言,Guatemala:牛奶产量始终最低(第一年只有211,000 liters→随后到2010年上涨了2倍多)
【Body 2】
We can also find thatthe annual milk production in Australiaranked the second placeduring the given period. Its figureclimbed significantlyfrom 6,426,000 liters in the initial year to itspeakat 10,847,000 liters in 2000,followed by a marginal fall to9,023,000 liters in 2010.Likewise, the amount of milk produced in Tanzaniawitnessed a remarkable increasefrom 515,000 liters in the original year to 725,000 liters in 2010,after which there emerged a slight decline to626,000 liters by the end of the period.
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